Sunday, January 1, 2017

One Word

Three years ago I read the book, One Word that will change your life by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton and Jimmy Page. The authors discovered a way to become their best. Instead of creating goals and resolutions, they discovered using one word to focus on for the year to be their driving force.

I have been using one word to center my daily thinking. For 2017, my word is 'Intentional'. Living each day with intention. It is my daily planning, exercise and eating plan. Every action I execute in my day needs to be intentional. Starting in October, I begin writing down words that strike me a cord with me. As December approaches, I begin praying on the words on my list. I ask God to show me the word that will drive me during the upcoming year. Then the word that surfaces is the word I will focus on during the upcoming year.
In the past, my words have been self-control and yet. I am very excited about 2017 and the great year it is going to be. 

On the One Word website they have videos that explain the value of the One Word. The favorite tool on the site is the the action to finding your one word for the year. The resource page is a great place to start. The book is a good read. Get it and read it. 

Shelly and I have been meeting our check-ins. Being honest and working hard to be our healthiest in 2017, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Happy New Year!

"Comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good wor and word." 2 Thessalonians 2:17


#sisterstrongblog #OneWord

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