Sunday, January 15, 2017

Rearview Mirror

We are two weeks into 2017. We are still going sister strong with what have set out to do together. I will attribute that to the wonderful accountability partner. 

With that being said, wouldn't just be easier to go back to the way I ended 2016? Those habits would not get me to where I want to be, but it would be where things were comfortable. 

This past week my husband had appointments out of town for two days. Going to Rochester and eating out you want to go to all the places that we usually go which includes great food and out of control portions. Being only two weeks into 2017 I am still working on establishing new habits. I'll honestly admit. While in Rochester I was not as good as I had hoped I would be. I will say I was better than I would have. I tracked my food and exercised while there. I did also make better decisions on food choices than I previously would have. Going to Rochester creates a stressful situation. Knowing myself I am a stress eater and look for those comfort food. 2017 is a great year to start to change that. 

The two days taught me I need to stop looking in the rearview mirror of life. Looking through that mirror looking back does not get me to where I want to be looking forward. I have a vision of where I want to be, established my short term goals and laid out an action plan that I review daily. When I look in the rearview mirror I see spending habits, feelings, thoughts, mindset, food choices, excuses and cravings. I am now tearing down that rearview mirror and only looking out the windshield to the path ahead. The path is full of new adventures and that is exciting. 

2017 is the year of new spending habits, management of feelings and thoughts, growth mindset, no excuses, and control of eating and cravings. 

Every week, every day, every meal and every hour is new. Looking forward is the bet path to be on. 

I have the power to change my life. - Jeff Sanders

Watch the path of your feet and all your ways will be established. Proverbs 4:26



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