Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy New Year 2017!

New year, new you, new goals, new everything!  The new year always signals a time to reflect back and to look forward; usually with hope, determination and renewed zeal. That's what makes each January great.  There is a clean slate wide open with opportunity.  Ive been itching to get control of my health and to become more intentional so when I received a request from my awesome sister-in-law to be her accountability partner I jumped at the chance!

I have been making great progress but hit the usual holiday plateau.  It's now cold and snowy outside so I can't go out and be as active as I have been all summer.  With he addition of a new job (and dramatically different schedule) just finding time to fit in the usual household and family obligations and put dinner on the table was a challenge.  But I'm ready and prepared.  I've been in the thick of things like this before and was able to be successful so I know I can do it again.  

I love the word intentional.  This really struck a cord with me when Melissa and I were first discussing how to tackle this goal.  It helps me realize that my choices everyday are just that...choices.  Ultimately I'm the one that is in control.  

So bring it on 2017, this is going to be a great year!


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