Monday, January 30, 2017

Prayer Warrior

This month has had lots of emotions. The one constant has been prayer.

This month we have been challenged with all four of us having to have doctor visits. We started with Ryan having his annual yearly protocol for Li Fraumeni Syndrome. Today we had final results on follow up appointments. We are much relieved that it will be another year before he has to undergo the testing protocol.

Rylee followed up next with a wrestling injury. He has a sprained MCL and is undergoing physical therapy and working on getting back on the mat. He did get back to the mat at practice today, but it didn't go as well as he would have liked and against the recommendation of the physical therapist:( Listen to the experts please. Rylee will need time to heal, but with individual and team tournaments coming up in February he is anxious to get back to normal.

I tried to cross the street one night and slipped on the ice. For the person who usually is well, I ended up in the emergency room with a pulled/torn hamstring. For the most part things are back to normal with some pain that is manageable.

Sully Warriors: Sully had his three month follow up for his oseteosarcoma. Sully was so excited to have clear results. We are are not watching any spots. Three months of smooth sailing.

The above is the short version of the month:) This mom has been a dedicated prayer warrior. I know that I by no means pray enough or maybe the right things, but daily I write down who I pray for and others in need of prayer. A friend and I read, Before Amen by Max Lucado. I find Max's pocket prayer a simple outline to praying each day. The pocket prayer is a tool for us when at times we are not sure how or what to pray.

The power of prayer is amazing. The miracles from prayer are seen everyday. I find that there are season to my prayers. Most often due to the external circumstances that happen, much like this month. I prayed diligently for my family, as well as, others. Now my focus will change to pray more for others.

I pray daily for my family, but more often for others when our circumstances are not like this January. I am thankful for what we have overcome this month as family. The trials bring us closer together and we draw our strength from all our family members. As we drive away from Rochester and I am able to inform family how things have went. The encouraging words we receive get us through that next hurdle that is waiting for us.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1

Sample of Max Lucado's first chapter. 

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