Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Prepping for 2017 - Sister Strong Style

When you read health magazines, blogs or other health related articles often you are encourage to have an accountability partner. I know for myself that I am at my best when I have someone to talk with. For a couple of months I had thought about who would be a good fit and a positive accountability partner. Time after time I came back to the same person. A person I admire, who is active, open to having open conversations and at a place where I am in a healthy journey. My sister-in-law Shelly.

So two weeks before 2017, I messaged her to see if she would be willing. I was so relieved when she responded with an astounding 'YES'. So, now for the real work. How were we going to do this? She lives in Sioux Fall, SD and I live in Blue Earth, MN.

Our plan:
* check - in two times a week on Sunday and Wednesday evenings
* share our goals for the days between check - ins

A perfect place to start for the two of us. The week of Christmas we did just that. Each of us aware of our goals, but not necessarily being successful at them. To be positive we are at least off and running with a plan that we both are feeling good with.

At Christmas, we took our day one picture.

On my way home, I was doing some thinking (not always a good thing). I want to be accountable and also tell the story of our journey. Two sisters that have high hopes for 2017 to be healthy and happy. I messaged Shelly to get her thoughts on doing a blog. Again, I was relieved to know that she is ready like me to be the best that we can be.

Today we talked on the phone. Time to set up that blog. What to call it? We wanted to use words that resonated with both of us for the title of this blog. Sister strong. We know that through adversity and trial we will be strong for each other and be the encouragement we need to make the healthy choices. Already from our phone conversation today that we are the perfect pair. Only good things will come to us this year.

People learn from one from one another, just as iron sharpens iron. Proverbs 27:17 (GNB)

Here we go:)

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