Saturday, March 11, 2017

The 5 Second Rule

I stumbled across a video on my Facebook feed a few weeks back and was sucked in. The caption was why motivation is garbage. I watched the clip, then proceeded to pull up the entire video interview ( ) and then went back to watch her TED talk ( ). If you’re not familiar with Mel Robbins she is a very interesting speaker and former host on CNN. I had no idea who she was or why I should care until after watching this interview. She brings up the point that we are our own worst critic/enemy/saboteur. Not only is there fear holding us back from achieving everything we want, but that we can ultimately control and reverse it. She talks about the tool that she uses called the “5 Second Rule” and how it has helped her to overcome not just negative self talk and fear but her depression and severe anxiety.
I put it to the test for a few weeks to see if it was a practice that I could put into place and sure enough just a simple stop, 5-4-3-2-1, and focus could really change my thinking. At first it was more of a conscious mental change but as I used it in the coming days in other ways it really has become even a physical change that I can feel. I’ve noticed more now after a few days of really re-focusing that I don’t have the same negative dialogue running through my head and I’m starting to add this mini countdown to other areas.
I love finding tools and stories like this that help me feel like I really can achieve my dreams and hit my goals.

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