Sunday, December 31, 2017

One word 2018

2018 My One Word

This it the fourth year that I will be doing My One Word by Jeff Gordon. Instead of a New Year's Resolution I use my word to focus my goals. I am super excited how my word is going to be motivating and reflective at the same time to help me move forward.

 During the last five months of 2017 this word has come up in different areas of my life. I have written it down and prayed about it along with a few other words. Another exercise I do before finally deciding on my word is to define the words I have written down as possible options. This year's word is Why. 

Today is the last day of 2017.  I have began creating my vision board and word. Along with setting my first 12 week goals.  Of course these sheets are in my Mambi Happy Planner. 

I am looking at my Why in different areas of my life: getting healthy, career, adventure, personal growth, spiritual growth, home, and finances. I have written down my why for each of these areas to build a better foundation for myself during 2018. Now the how and what have more meaning to accomplishing my why. 

Cheers to 2018, 